Here in Humboldt County in many western countries too, everyone want the bigger marihuana plant, with buds a pound weight or with more concentred THC active. I live long time with people who has a long tradition smoking marihuana.
I never seen anibody tryng to do that. We love wild plants…Wild Earth…and bonsais. Om mana Shivaya…Sirimiri needs a few things to live. In the hearth of this madness understanding from thousands of years knowledge from «the Sacred Plant», Sirimiri SynkroMedia is growing a bonsai from a survivor plant of marihuana founded for our friend, Ángel, loosed in some backyard.
Because we love small things concentred in a lovelys containers and for many reasons more, we will try to grow a wonderful bonsai with this plant.
Shelted in a beatiful abalonie with all love and care.
The smaller buds around the world, with the less THC active…but, maybe the right dose for us to be connected with the Universe.
Watch the sacred smoke when is going in to your body and when is living out blowing on the wind. Watch the smoke how big can be and imagine your personal dose to enjoy the properties of this Magic medicine. Are Om.