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Siritudio Project English

The fundamental reason that Sirimiri was born and its main project is the construction of a small television studio operated by robots and controlled by disabled children, our favorite children. A tool to express themselves and to tell us their vision of the world where they live. Here you can see a first SiriStudio development. As you know robotics and new technologies are advancing quickly and will need many changes as the evolution of new tools.


I’m going to explain who is Sirimiri … Many friends often ask to us who I am and what is my reason for being … I went built as a reporter and devote robot to perform multimedia reports around the world for the future channel SiriStudio’s television … our dream and that of our favorite children. We have four years traveling around the globe spreading this idea. A tool for those who can not express themselves because they were born with physical or mental limitations and through this small TV studio they can do it … That day we are sure that will change the world …

As I got the idea of the SiriStudio project
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